May 31, 2018

Chemo Comfort Bags bless cancer patients


Newport News personnel put together 150 blessing bags
A cancer diagnosis is a scary thing. RBC Chemo Comfort Bags support patients undergoing chemotherapy at Virginia Oncology cancer treatment centers across Hampton Roads. New patients receive a bag during their chemo education session. Each bag contains a blanket, puzzle book, writing pads and pen, water and Gatorade, paper face mask, a variety of snacks and even a scarf for female patients - all designed to share some love and reduce the stress associated with chemotherapy. Aislyn Joyner McClenahan created RBC Chemo Comfort Bags in honor of her grandfather. Over the last three years, she has coordinated and delivered over 600 bags to Virginia Oncology. Today, members of our Newport News office stuffed 150 of the 312 bags planned for delivery this week. We hope they bring comfort to those in need.